About Smoke Queen

Hi, I’m Courtney

A tenacious, loving and energetic cannabis entrepreneur. Long before I dreamed of making Cannabis products myself, I purchased and smoked just about every pre-roll that I could get my hands on. But there had to be something better out there I thought to myself. We as consumers should expect better. I decided I was going to do just that. I may have been naive about what it takes to make a great preroll, but I as determined to make the best pre-rolls ever sold. We at The Smoke Queen are working to do just that. My husband, a Quality Engineer in the aerospace field, was enlisted to bring some serious quality know how and dedication to perfection. At Smoke Queen the team and I, are dedicated to using only the highest quality cannabis in the best possible packaging available. Our journey to the top has only just begun. We hope you can join us alone the way. Life is short, enjoy a pre-roll. Queens orders.

Early on

I am so fascinated by cannabis and its medical benefits, especially it’s capability to bring you relief. Early on, I fell in love with the idea of helping people naturally, so when I decided to make my own pre-rolls, I set out to learn everything I could. Thanks to everyone who has influenced and encouraged me to ever strive for perfection.


I have been teaching myself about the medical benefits of cannabis for the past three and a half years and I’m still learning every day. I am building my business as a cannabis entrepreneur, as well as working on my own exclusive a high end boutique cannabis brand. I appreciate you taking your time to view my site, I am honored! Please let me know how I can be of service